Hahaha. Well since we just had a Guess Who feat. Cazwell post yesterday, I figured I ought to change it up...soo yes, Cazwell was graced by my presence y'all~*~*~
I'm sure most of y'all saw this post yesterday by the lovely
So blah blah, he performed, and it was pretty cool and he was great. After the performance, he stood next to the DJ and was signing autographs, taking photos, and whatnot. This is where I "met"
I actually got the chance to talk to him later that night. I was at the back bar with some friends and he came up to order a drink and started talking to us. He's super sweet! He also has a fantastic ass; a friend of mine (who, of course, was drunk) asked if he could squeeze it, and he told all of us to go for it.
We asked about red headband and he said that he couldn't make it for some reason, but he'd be at his Miami show on Sunday if we wanted to go. Yeah, right, I wish. He did say that red headband (he told us his name, but I forgot...whatever, I was tipsy, okay?) was sad he couldn't be there. He realized we were obviously interested in red headband, so we talked more about him and he told us he was a bottom, y'know, just as a heads up. Lolz.
The conversation then went into his boyfriend, and aw, he talks about him so cutely. Another friend of mine inquired about his sexual life, and Cazwell said that he's versatile, but his boyfriend is an "amazing bottom" so he could never think of doing anything with him but topping. The more you know... He also said that they have sex about twice a week, but he's really happy with that, something along the lines of they're both so busy and that suits their lifestyle or whatnot. Again, the more you know...
Cazwell then asked if he could take a drag off my friend's cigarette, and so he did and we just stood around talking for a bit longer (nothing really worth commenting on). Then he said he had to go, but he gave us all individual hugs and said it was great meeting and talking to us! We thanked him for hanging around and just talking to us, and he said it was a pleasure, and then he went off into the night.
Of course, the most significant part of this post is to again, confirm that yes, ONTD is everywhere...and you can meet other ONTD members when you least expect it.
...also. I think that's
source: me, my homosexuality, my friend's camera, my car that drove us to the bar, Austin gay night life, random performance by Cazwell, Cazwell's nipple, etc etc
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/ohnotheydidnt/52452809.html
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