Amy Ryan on Annette Bening in 'The Kids Are All Right'

"I was knocked out by Annette Bening and Julianne Moore. Fantastic, both of them. Annette Bening was just extraordinary. That Joni Mitchell moment when she sings at the table, it's so intimate and you're kind of embarrassed and then kind of moved that she takes the time to go through the whole song.
Director Lisa Cholodenko allows us to sit at that table with those people, lets that moment have enough time to register all of those feelings. It's so rare in one film that there are two full-drawn characters who happen to be women. It's great that neither of the actresses would settle for just being the wife in that relationship, and you see that in the choices they both make, as supported with Lisa's brilliant script."
James Franco on Mila Kunis in 'Black Swan'

"I loved 'Black Swan.' Darren Aronofsky has always been one of my favorite filmmakers. Natalie Portman stood out. And you know who else was great? Vincent Cassel was great and Mila Kunis was great, too. I've never seen Mila Kunis in a movie like 'Black Swan' and I thought that she was just perfect. She has to be the other ballerina, almost the black swan ballerina, and she caught that energy. She had the natural dark ability and worked opposite Natalie Portman perfectly."
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