The actress and fashion designer ? who, alongside her identical twin sister Mary-Kate, was recently ranked as the 11th richest woman in entertainment with a combined wealth of $100 million ? was spotted trying to unsuccessfully get a deal when purchasing some flowers in Hollywood.
An onlooker explained to National Enquirer magazine: "She was checking out flowers at Moe's Flowers in West Hollywood which were on sale for $12 for 10 plants. But that wasn't enough for Ashley, who had the nerve to ask, 'Can I have these for a dollar each?'
"After being told, 'Sorry, there's no haggling here'. She replied, 'But they're not the finest quality', while plucking off dead leaves. The guy then insisted Ashley either pay full price or forget it so she coughed up the 12 bucks."
It could be that the 24-year-old star is saving up for a designer handbag, as she recently admitted she can't wait to get her hands on a Crocodile Birkin bag made by French luxury group Hermes.
She said: "The next one I want to get is the crocodile Birkin, but that won't be for a while. Crocodile is my favourite!"
Good for her for knowing the value of a dollar, even though she can afford to buy the entire flower shop.
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