martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010

Kim Kardashian Drinks Kourtney's Breast Milk

Okay, total gross out alert! Kim Kardashian's added a new item to her holiday eating repertoire — breast milk. Kim recently took a swig from nephew Mason's bottle of milk — of course, sister Khloe egged her on.

"It's sweet, it's good," said Khloe, who has also tried the delicacy. "If Mason can drink it, I can drink it, baby."

"Seriously, my breast milk tastes like vanilla soy milk," Kourtney added, before Kim took a swig.

While her siblings — including Kylie Jenner — looked on, Kim took a small sip and smiled.

Earlier this year, Kim tweeted that she is grossed out by public breastfeeding — a tweet that she later retracted.

She wrote: "EWW Im at lunch,the woman at the table next 2 me is breast feeding her baby w no coverup."

One angry mother tweeted back: "Kim K, It's surprising 2me that u don't like breastfeeding &think it's gross. YOU HAD A SEX TAPE."

A day later, Kim explained the tweet, and said she was misunderstood.

"Misunderstood tweet. The woman had her boobs out at restaurant yest. feeding, then laid her on table and changed her w the food there. Unsanitary."

She also added: "My sister breast feeds! Its a natural beautiful thing, there's nothing wrong w it, but she covers herself, not w her boobs exposed."

So what do you think? Is drinking your sister’s breast milk natural … or disgusting? Do tell!


K, i'm gonna be honest. I only posted this to see the comments. So someone bring on the boob/breastfeeding/childbirth wank!


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